Divisibility rules

Divisible by 2: Any even integer is divisible by 2. So if the units/ones digit is 0, 2,4,6 or 8 it is divisible by 2.

346 🡪 has 6 units/ones, so is even and divisible by 2
683 🡪 has 3 units/ones, so is odd and not divisible by 2

Divisible by 3: If you add the digits of an integer together (and if the answer is more than a single digit add those digits together) and the total is 3, 6 or 9, the number is divisible by 3.

78 🡪 7+8=15 then 1+5=6 so 78 is divisible by 3
86 🡪 8+6=14 then 1+4=5 so 86 is not divisible by 3

Divisible by 4: If you halve the number (or divide by 2) and get an even answer, the number is divisible by 4.

52 🡪 half of 52=26 which is an even number, so 52 is divisible by 4
62 🡪 half of 62 is 31 which is an odd number, so 62 is not divisible by 4

Divisible by 5: All numbers that are divisible by 5 have either 0 or 5 as the units/ones digit

75 🡪 has 5 units/ones, so 75 is divisible by 5
67 🡪 has 7 units/ones, so 67 is not divisible by 5

Divisible by 6: If the number is even and divisible by 3, it is divisible by 6.

84 🡪 is even and divisible by 3, so 84 is divisible by 6
75 🡪 is odd and divisible by 3, so 75 is not divisible by 6

Divisible by 10: All numbers that are divisible by 10 have 0 units/ones.

All numbers that are divisible by 4 are also divisible by 2
All numbers that are divisible by 6 are also divisible by 3
All numbers that are divisible by 8 are also divisible by 2 and 4
All numbers that are divisible by 9 are also divisible by 3
All numbers that are divisible by 9 are also divisible by 6
All numbers that are divisible by 10 are also divisible by 2 and 5

Download as a reference sheet of divisibility rules or for multiples or factors