‘Teen’ and ‘ty’ numbers

One of the most common difficulties in maths is with ‘teen’ and ‘ty’ numbers. There can be a confused ambiguity about these numbers which will become more deeply ingrained and difficult to correct the longer it goes unnoticed and which can greatly affect a pupil’s confidence and ability with number.

Download our activity packs to provide reinforcement.

‘Teen’ and ‘ty’ activities – A pack to reinforce correct reading and writing of teen and ty numbers.

Beyond ‘teen’ and ‘ty’ – Following on from the teen and ty activities, this includes 2-digit numbers ending in 1 (eg 21, 31) which often cause confusion with teen and ty numbers.

30s and 50s – A pack to reinforce correct reading and writing of numbers beginning with the thir- and fif- sounds.

Teen and ty online games – Interactive games to practice identifying between teen and ty numbers.

Click here to download diagnostic sheets for 'teen' and 'ty' numbers.